Employee structure

Number of employees as of the end of 2018, thousand people
2016 2017 2018
Total number 271,369 276,290 297,746
Head Office employees 11,151 11,992 11,347
Regional branch employees 14,077 13,161 13,899
Store personnel 207,810 211,498 231,836
Logistics Unit 35,651 36,461 36,834
Other 2,680 3,178 3,830

Number of employees increased by 7.8% compared to the previous year due to the new store openings (the number of stores increased by 12.5% year-on-year) and the purchase of the pharmaceutical distributor SIA Group in late 2018. The average employee age remains stable at 35 years.

Distribution of employees by gender, %
2016 2017 2018
Female 69% 70% 74%
Male 31% 30% 26%

Proportion of employees with over five-year tenure
Employment tenure 2016 2017 2018
Number of people Proportion, % Number of people Proportion, % Number of people Proportion, %
Over 10 years 5,618 2 8,430 3 11,337 4
Over 5 years 45,867 19 53,647 22 58,835 20

Employee structure by category, people
Category 2016 2017 2018
Managers 9,801 10,127 9,767
Specialists and office employees 89,773 83,194 87,152
Workers 171,795 182,969 200,827

Number of jobsExcluding SIA created in 2018
Caucasus 446
Southern 149
North-west 1,367
Black Earth 117
Privolzhsky 51
Moscow 1,964
Ural 2,330
Siberian 1,632
Total in-house production 958
Total 9,014