Health and safety

Magnit complies with all requirements of the legislation of the Russian Federation and other regulations concerning health and safety. The Company has developed and introduced policies that regulate the organization of labor, health, and industrial safety.

The existing health and safety management system covers all the Company’s divisions and is also used when collaborating with subcontractors involved in the Company’s production processes.

Strategic goals of health and safety:

  • Protecting the health of employees and providing them with the safe working conditions;
  • Reducing injuries and preventing emergencies and accidents.

Key procedures used to achieve these goals:

  • strict compliance with the requirements of the labor legislation of the Russian Federation:
  • drafting and implementing in-house health and safety policies and procedures;
  • organizing health and safety training for 100%Data in this section is given for 89% of Magnit employees as of December 31, 2018 since statistics are not maintained for all companies of the Group. of employees;
  • continuously monitoring employees’ compliance with health and safety standards;
  • ensuring employees are provided with mandatory personal protective gear and compliance certificates;
  • implementing a set of preventive measures to reduce the level of workplace injuries;
  • investigating accidents, analyzing their causes, and developing and introducing preventive measures to prevent workplace injuries;
  • conducting a special assessment of working conditions for 100% of the Company’s workplaces.